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Pediocactus winkleri K.D.Heil
Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 51: 28 (-30), figs. 1979

Pediocactus winkleri Photo by: Prof. Ilham Alakbarov
RP132 (Collector Ralph Peters) Wayne, Utah, USA 1130 m a.s.l. Extra high hillosity very fuzzy. Many have no spines!


Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Winkler’s Pincushion Cactus, Winkler’s Footcactus, Winkler Cactus

5496 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
- Flowers are peach-to-pink coloured in early spring. Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
19031 Ilham Prof. Ilham Alakbarov
Pediocactus winkleri Photo by: Prof. Ilham Alakbarov

5501 cactus-art Cactus Art
Pediocactus winkleri Photo by: Cactus Art
5498 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Pediocactus winkleri Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

26121 Ilham Prof. Ilham Alakbarov
Pediocactus winkleri Photo by: Prof. Ilham Alakbarov
5497 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Pediocactus winkleri Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

5499 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Pediocactus winkleri Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
16740 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Pediocactus winkleri Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

Your Photos

by Valentino Vallicelli

by Valentino Vallicelli

by Valentino Vallicelli
RP132 (Collector: Ralph Peters)  Wayne, Utah, USA, extra high villosity very fuzzy Many have no spines!
by Prof. Ilham Alakbarov

by Prof. Ilham Alakbarov

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