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Discocactus heptacanthus (Barb.Rodr.) Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 218, fig. 232. 1922

Discocactus heptacanthus Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
The name eptacanthus means "with seven spines" but the actual number of spines varies from 5 to 11 depending on origin and size of the plant.


See all synonyms of Discocactus heptacanthus
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Discocactus heptacanthus (Barb.Rodr.) Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 218, fig. 232. 1922
Synonymy: 50 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Discocactus heptacanthus f. aurea hort.

Accepted name in llifle Database:
Discocactus heptacanthus subs. catingicola (Buining & Bredero) N.P.Taylor & Zappi
Cactaceae Consensus Init. 3: 7. 1997
Synonymy: 2 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Discocactus heptacanthus subs. magnimammus (Buining & Bredero) N.P.Taylor & Zappi
Bradleya 9: 86. 1991
Synonymy: 4

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Discocactus heptacanthus group

  • Discocactus cangaensis Diers & Esteves: has oval-round areoles, very woolly at first. Spines subulate, bent inwards, amber-coloured, the lower ones the longer. Distribution: east of the Rio Caiapo, South-west to west of Goiás, Brazil.
  • Discocactus cephaliaciculosus Buining & Bredero ex P.J.Braun & Esteves: has a white cephalium filled with strong, straight and dark red to black spines up 2 cm (or more) cm long. Distribution: southeastern Goiás and northeastern Tocantins, Brazil.
  • Discocactus griseus Buining & Bredero: has grey-green colour of the body. Distribution: Serra dos Alegres (near Joao Pinheiro), West Minas Gerais, Brazil.
  • Discocactus hartmannii (K.Schum.) Britton & Rose: has solitary stems up to 6 cm tall and 15 cm wide, completely divided transversely into large tubercles. Perianth-segments acute. Distribution: Paraguay and Brazil.
  • Discocactus heptacanthus (Barb.Rodr.) Britton & Rose: has typically 7 spines, but variable in number from 5 to 11. Stem solitary flattened. It is a very variable species. Distribution: Eastrern Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil.
  • Discocactus heptacanthus f. aurea hort.: has golden yellow (chlorophylls-less) stems.
  • Discocactus heptacanthus subs. catingicola (Buining & Bredero) N.P.Taylor & Zappi
  • Discocactus heptacanthus subs. magnimammus (Buining & Bredero) N.P.Taylor & Zappi: has more numerous ribs (up to 22) completely divided into distinct tubercles, and shorter spines that are round in cross section. Distribution: Between Caracol and Bela Vista, Mato Grosso
  • Discocactus mamillosus Buining & Bredero: has more numerous ribs (up to 22), small nipple-like tubercles on the edges, and fewer spines (5-7) in the areole. Distribution: West and north of the Rio Apa in the Mato Grosso.
  • Discocactus pachythele Buining & Bredero: intermediate between ssp. heptacanthus and ssp. magnimammus. Distribution: Northeast of Aquidauana (Serro de Maracaju) and Cipolandia, Mato Grosso, Brazil
  • Discocactus silicicola Buining & Bredero: is variable in shape, but closely related to D. magnimammus, D. mamillosa and D. hartmannii. Distribution: Near Porto Murtinho North of Rio Apa, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

14542 cactus-art Cactus Art
This variable species has ribs that are broken up into large, rounded tubercles, with more or less deep furrows in between. Photo by: Cactus Art
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