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Oxalis carnosa Molina
Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili 288. 1810.

Accepted Scientific Name: Oxalis megalorrhiza Jacq.
Oxalis [Jacquin] 33. 1794 Jacq.

Oxalis carnosa Photo by: Diego Armentano


See all synonyms of Oxalis megalorrhiza

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Oxalis megalorrhiza group

  • Oxalis carnosa Molina: is generally included within (as a synonym of) Oxalis megalorrhiza, suggesting that there is not really a fundamental difference between the two.
  • Oxalis megalorrhiza Jacq.: has a swollen rootstock and short frutticose stems leafy and floriferous only at apex. Leaves ternate. Distribution: South America (Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador Chile and the Galapagos Islands)

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