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= Parodia microsperma subs. sanguiniflora (Backeb.) Brickwood
Mitteilungsbl. Inter-Parodia-Kette 22: 14. 2004
Accepted Scientific Name: Parodia microsperma (F.A.C.Weber) Speg.
Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 96: 70. 1923

It has spiral ribs covered in fine, white, bristly spines. Large, bright red, glossy flowers
Origin and Habitat: Southern Bolivia, northern Argentina.
- Parodia microsperma subs. sanguiniflora (Backeb.) Brickwood
- Parodia mutabilis var. sanguiniflora (Backeb.) F.H.Brandt
- Parodia sanguiniflora Backeb.
Parodia microsperma (F.A.C.Weber) Speg.
Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 96: 70. 1923
Synonymy: 149
- Parodia microsperma (F.A.C.Weber) Speg.
- Echinocactus microspermus F.A.C.Weber in Bois
- Hickenia microsperma (F.A.C.Weber) Britton & Rose
- Parodia aconquijaensis Weskamp
- Parodia amblayensis F.H.Brandt
- Parodia tuberculosi-costata var. amblayana F.H.Brandt
- Parodia atroviridis Backeb.
- Parodia capillataensis F.H.Brandt
- Parodia dextrohamata Backeb.
- Parodia dextrohamata var. stenopetala Backeb.
- Parodia elegans Fechser ex Backeb.
- Parodia fechseri Backeb.
- Parodia fuscato-viridis Backeb.
- Parodia glischrocarpa F.Ritter
- Parodia grandiflora M.Veverka
- Parodia heyeriana Weskamp
- Parodia kilianana Backeb.
- Parodia malyana var. rubriflora F.H.Brandt
- Parodia malyana var. igneiflora F.H.Brandt
- Parodia matthesiana Heinrich
- Parodia mercedesiana Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma subs. albofuscata (F.H.Brandt) Brickwood
- Parodia albofuscata F.H.Brandt
- Parodia microsperma var. argerichiana (Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia argerichiana Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. aurantiaca F.H.Brandt
- Parodia microsperma subs. aureispina (Backeb.) Brickwood
- Parodia aureispina Backeb.
- Parodia microsperma var. belenensis (Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia belenensis Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. betaniana (F.Ritter) Brickwood
- Parodia betaniana F.Ritter
- Parodia setifera f. betaniana (F.Ritter) Käsinger
- Parodia microsperma var. cabracorralensis (Käsinger) Brickwood
- Parodia cabracorralensis Piens
- Parodia setifera var. cabracorralensis Käsinger
- Parodia microsperma var. cachiana (Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia cachiana Weskamp
- Parodia horrida var. cachiana (Weskamp) Käsinger
- Parodia microsperma var. cafayatensis Backeb.
- Parodia microsperma var. campestris (F.H.Brandt) Brickwood
- Parodia campestris F.H.Brandt
- Parodia microsperma subs. catamarcensis (Backeb.) Brickwood
- Parodia catamarcensis Backeb.
- Parodia microsperma var. cebilarensis (Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia cebilarensis Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. dichroacantha (F.H.Brandt & Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia dichroacantha F.H.Brandt & Weskamp
- Parodia horrida var. dichroacantha (F.H.Brandt & Weskamp) Käsinger
- Parodia kilianana var. dichroacantha (F.H.Brandt & Weskamp) F.H.Brandt
- Parodia microsperma var. dichroacantha f. cristata hort.
- Parodia microsperma var. erythrantha (Speg.) Weskamp
- Echinocactus microspermus var. erythranthus Speg.
- Parodia erythrantha (Speg.) Backeb. & F.M.Knuth
- Parodia microsperma var. glischrocarpa (F.Ritter) Brickwood
- Parodia microsperma var. guachipasana (Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia guachipasana Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. herzogii (Rausch) Brickwood
- Parodia herzogii Rausch
- Parodia microsperma var. heteracantha (F.Ritter ex Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia heteracantha F.Ritter ex Weskamp
- Parodia horrida var. heteracantha (F.Ritter ex Weskamp) Käsinger
- Parodia microsperma subs. hummeliana (A.B.Lau & Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia hummeliana A.B.Lau & Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. juanensis (Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia microsperma var. jujuyensis (Käsinger) Brickwood
- Parodia setifera var. jujuyensis Käsinger
- Parodia microsperma var. lembckei (Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia lembckei Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. lohaniana (A.B.Lau & Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia horrida f. lohaniana (A.B.Lau & Weskamp) Käsinger
- Parodia lohaniana A.B.Lau & Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. macrancistra (K.Schum.) Brickwood
- Echinocactus microspermus var. macrancistrus K.Schum.
- Parodia macrancistra (K.Schum.) Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. malyana (Rausch) Brickwood
- Parodia malyana Rausch
- Parodia microsperma subs. mesembrina (F.H.Brandt) Brickwood
- Parodia mesembrina F.H.Brandt
- Parodia microsperma var. microthele (Backeb.) Krainz
- Parodia microthele Backeb. in Backeb. & F.M.Knuth
- Parodia microsperma var. minuscula (Rausch) Brickwood
- Parodia minima F.H.Brandt
- Parodia minuscula Rausch
- Parodia microsperma var. mutabilis (Backeb.) Brickwood
- Parodia mutabilis Backeb.
- Parodia microsperma var. nana (Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia nana Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. opulenta F.H.Brandt
- Parodia microsperma var. pluricentralis (Backeb. ex F.H.Brandt) Brickwood
- Parodia horrida var. pluricentralis Käsinger
- Parodia pluricentralis Backeb. ex F.H.Brandt
- Parodia microsperma var. rigidissima Frič & F.H.Brandt
- Parodia microsperma var. riojensis (F.Ritter & Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia catamarcensis var. riojensis (F.Ritter & Weskamp) J.G.Lamb.
- Parodia riojensis F.Ritter & Weskamp in Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. rubriflora (Backeb.) Weskamp
- Parodia aureispina var. rubriantha F.H.Brandt
- Parodia aureispina var. rubriflora (Backeb.) F.H.Brandt
- Parodia rubriflora Backeb.
- Parodia microsperma var. rubristaminea (F.Ritter) Brickwood
- Parodia rubristaminea F.Ritter
- Parodia microsperma var. sanagasta (Weing.) Brickwood
- Parodia sanagasta Weing.
- Parodia microsperma subs. sanguiniflora (Backeb.) Brickwood
- Parodia mutabilis var. sanguiniflora (Backeb.) F.H.Brandt
- Parodia sanguiniflora Backeb.
- Parodia microsperma subs. sanguiniflora f. brevispina (monstruosa) hort.
- Parodia microsperma f. scopaoides
- Parodia mutabilis var. scopaoides (Backeb.) F.H.Brandt
- Parodia scopaoides Backeb. in Backeb. & F.M.Knuth
- Parodia microsperma var. setifera (Backeb.) Brickwood
- Parodia setifera Backeb.
- Parodia microsperma var. spanisa (F.H.Brandt) Brickwood
- Parodia microsperma var. spegazziniana (F.H.Brandt) Brickwood
- Parodia spegazziniana F.H.Brandt
- Parodia microsperma var. thionantha (Speg.) Y.Itô
- Echinocactus microspermus var. thionanthus Speg.
- Parodia erythrantha var. thionantha (Speg.) Backeb.
- Parodia microsperma var. wagneriana (Weskamp) Brickwood
- Parodia wagneriana Weskamp
- Parodia microsperma var. weberiana (F.H.Brandt) J.G.Lamb.
- Parodia weberiana F.H.Brandt
- Parodia papagayana F.H.Brandt
- Parodia piltziorum Weskamp
- Parodia pluricentralis var. erythroflora F.H.Brandt
- Parodia pluricentralis var. xanthoflora F.H.Brandt
- Parodia rigida Backeb.
- Parodia rigidispina Krainz
- Parodia rubellihamata Backeb.
- Parodia rubellihamata var. aureiflora Backeb.
- Parodia sanagasta var. saltensis F.H.Brandt
- Parodia sanagasta var. viridior Backeb.
- Parodia setifera f. chlorocarpa (F.Ritter) Käsinger
- Parodia chlorocarpa F.Ritter
- Parodia spanisa F.H.Brandt
- Parodia spegazziniana var. aurea F.H.Brandt
- Parodia superba F.H.Brandt
- Parodia tafiensis Backeb.
- Parodia talaensis F.H.Brandt
- Parodia tolombona Weskamp
- Parodia tuberculosi-costata Backeb.
- Parodia tucumanensis Weskamp
- Parodia uebelmanniana F.Ritter
- Parodia weberioides F.H.Brandt
- Parodia weskampiana Krasucka & Spanowsky
Parodia microsperma subs. horrida (F.H.Brandt) R.Kiesling & O.Ferrari
Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 62: 198. 1990
Synonymy: 2
- Parodia microsperma subs. horrida (F.H.Brandt) R.Kiesling & O.Ferrari
- Parodia horrida F.H.Brandt
RUSSIAN (Русский): Пародия кровавоцветковая
Description: Parodia microspermaSN|11819]]SN|11718]] subs. sanguiniflora best known as Parodia sanguinifloraSN|11718]]SN|11732]] is only a variant of the extremely variable Parodia microspermaSN|11732]]SN|11718]]. Characteristic of this cactus are its carmine to brownish-cinnabar filaments of the stamens (hence the name) and its blood red flowers.
Similar varieties: It is very similar (if not the same) with Parodia microsperma var. rubristamineaSN|11718]]SN|11819]], and the two plants are not readily distinguishable, if not for the geographical provenance.
Habit: Usually solitary globose or cylindrical, up to 18 cm tall, 9 cm wide.
Radial spines: 10 to 18, 4-10 mm long, usually straight, more or less sideways directed.
Central spines: Hooked usually 4, sometimes 3-7.
Flowers: Blood red diameter 2,5-4cm. Filaments of the stamens carmine to brownish-cinnabar. Stylus reddish to pale yellowish; Stigma light-yellow to nearly white.
Fruit: Fruit globular, green, lower half naked and upper with white wool and fine bristles. Flesh greasy, so that the seeds can fall only after the fruit has dried.
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Parodia microsperma group
Parodia microsperma (F.A.C.Weber) Speg.: is very variable and has received a large number of names. It has green globose stems with long, hooked central spines, the radials are thin and flexible, and the flowers yellow to orange to red. Distribution: southern Bolivia and northern Argentina.
Parodia microsperma subs. aureispina (Backeb.) Brickwood: has dense white and yellow spines and bright yellow flower. Distribution: Southern Bolivia, northern Argentina.
Parodia microsperma var. dichroacantha (F.H.Brandt & Weskamp) Brickwood: has strong hooked central spines, rigid radials spines and bright orange-red flowers. Distribution: Salta, Northwest Cafayate (and Tucumán?)
Parodia microsperma var. dichroacantha f. cristata hort.: Crested form.
Parodia microsperma var. herzogii (Rausch) Brickwood: has deep orange to blood red flower to 4 cm across.
- Parodia microsperma subs. horrida (F.H.Brandt) R.Kiesling & O.Ferrari: has reddish-grey cylindrical stems with either hooked or straight central spines, the radials are rigid, and the flowers yellow. Distribution: Salta, Argentina.
Parodia microsperma var. malyana (Rausch) Brickwood: has short reddish central spines and flowers ranging from yellow to orange and red. Distribution: Catamarca, Argentina.
Parodia microsperma var. mutabilis (Backeb.) Brickwood: has strong, yellow spination and yellow flower. Distribution: Salta, Northern Argentina.
Parodia microsperma var. rubristaminea (F.Ritter) Brickwood: has filaments of the stamens bright carmine to brownish-cinnabar.
Parodia microsperma subs. sanguiniflora (Backeb.) Brickwood: has blood red flowers. Filaments of the stamens carmine. Stylus reddish to pale yellowish; Stigma light-yellow to nearly white. Distribution: Southern Bolivia, northern Argentina.
Parodia microsperma subs. sanguiniflora f. brevispina (monstruosa) hort.: monstrous plant with short spines and short red flowers. It is a highly branching cactus that forms clumps.
Parodia microsperma var. setifera (Backeb.) Brickwood: Characteristic of this cactus are its thin bristly radial spines and its yellow flowers. Distribution: Salta, Argentina.
Parodia microsperma var. weberiana (F.H.Brandt) J.G.Lamb.: has large orange red to golden yellow flowers. Distribution: Salta (El Naranjo, El Tala), Argentina.
Parodia talaensis F.H.Brandt: has bright orange flowers and dense white and yellow spines. Distribution: Salta / Tucuman
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Gerhard Gröner, Erich Götz “Beautiful Cacti: A Basic Grower's Guide” Sterling, 1992
2) Backeberg C., "Das Kakteenlexikon" 1966
1) Krainz, Hans et al. “Die Kakteen” 1956-1975
2) Hans Hecht “BLV-Handbuch der Kakteen” BLV-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1982
3) 4) E Haustein “Der Kosmos Kakteenfuehrer (the Kosmos Cactus Guide)” Balogh Scientific Books, United States, 01/Dec/1998
5) Kessler H., "Die FR-Parodien" Stachelpost, 7 : 223-224, 247, 1970
6) Ritter F., "Kakteen in Südamerika", 1980
7) Weskamp W., "Die Gattung Parodia" 1987
8) Kiesling, R. & Ortega-Baes, P. 2013. Parodia microsperma. In: IUCN 2013. "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species". Version 2013.2. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 04 March 2014.
9) Edward Anderson “The Cactus family” Timber Press, Incorporated, 2001
10) James Cullen, Sabina G. Knees, H. Suzanne Cubey "The European Garden Flora Flowering Plants: A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and Under Glass" Cambridge University Press, 11/Aug/2011
11) David R Hunt; Nigel P Taylor; Graham Charles; International Cactaceae Systematics Group. "The New Cactus Lexicon" dh books, 2006
12) Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton “Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names” Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg 2010
13) Willy Cullmann, Erich Götz (Dozent Dr.), Gerhard Gröner “The encyclopedia of cacti” Portland, OR: Timber Press, 1986

Parodia sanguiniflora (Parodia microsperma subs. sanguiniflora) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

Parodia sanguiniflora (Parodia microsperma subs. sanguiniflora) Photo by: Cactus Art
Cultivation and Propagation: It is relatively easy to grow on its own roots and quite resistant to cultivation. The only things that can kill this plant are cold and overwatering. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to provide adequate growing conditions in order to obtain compact plant with many flowers.
Soil: Use a an open and free draining mineral compost with little organic matter (peat, humus) that allows therefore roots to breath (as it is rot prone). Outdoors a well-draining rocky or sandy soil is ideal.
Pots: It needs a relatively shallow pot to accommodate its fibrous roots and provide a very good drainage. It may stay in the same pot for many years.
Watering: Needs regular water in summer. Keep rather dry in winter, tends to lose its roots in winter.
Fertilization: Feed with a high potassium fertilizer in summer during the growing season diluted to one-fourth potency and mix into the watering can for application.
Hardiness: Keep dry at 5- 10° C in winter, but can tolerate sporadic light frost if kept on the dry side prior to, and during, cold weather.
Exposition: The plant tolerates very bright situations, if kept too dark they may become overly lush and greener and could be prone to rotting due to over watering. Strong light encourages flowering and heavy wool and spine production, but is likely to suffer from sun scorch or stunted growth if over exposed to direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day in summer.
Pests & diseases: It may be attractive to a variety of insects, but plants in good condition should be nearly pest-free, particularly if they are grown in a mineral potting-mix, with good exposure and ventilation. Nonetheless, watch carefully for any significant decline in health. This may signal a pest problem that should be dealt with quickly in order to prevent scarring, stunting and even death.
- Red spiders: Red spiders may be effectively rubbed up by watering or misting the plants from above.
- Mealy bugs: Mealy bugs occasionally develop aerial into the new growth among the leaves with disfiguring results, but the worst types develop underground on the roots and are invisible except by their effects. Eliminate mealybug infestations by dabbing the critters with cotton swabs dipped in alcohol or by soaking the succulent's roots in a systemic insecticide.
- Scales: Scales are rarely a problem.
- Rot: This species is particularly easy and accommodating, seldom suffer of cryptogamic diseases. Rot it is only a minor problem with cacti if the plants are watered and “aired” correctly. If they are not, fungicides won't help all that much.
Propagation: By Seeds. The seed of this plant are extremely small and must be sown on the surface of the germination substrate (not buried!!) But the seedlings after germination are so minuscule and delicate that it is quite problematic to keep them alive. So for this species it is usually used the baggy germination technique (in a sterilized pot hermetically closed in a plastic sachet)
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