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Epithelantha micromeris var. texensis f. cristata hort.


Accepted Scientific Name: Epithelantha micromeris (Engelm.) F.A.C.Weber in Bois
Dict. Hort. [Bois] 2: 804. 1898 Britton & Rose, Cactaceae, 3: 93, fig. 102. 1922 Bois

Epithelantha micromeris var. texensis f. cristata Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli


See all synonyms of Epithelantha micromeris

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Epithelantha micromeris group

  • Epithelantha micromeris (Engelm.) F.A.C.Weber in Bois: Miniature globose cactus, unbranched or in small clumps. Produces small pink flowers followed by attractive red fruits . Spines are white or greysh, innocuous and appressed on sides of stems.
  • Epithelantha micromeris f. cristata hort.: This is a miniature cactus that makes a nice and tangled cluster of fine crests. The stem surface is completely obscured by small pectinated ashy-grey to white spines.
  • Epithelantha micromeris var. dickisoniae hort.: Minute clustering cactus of doubtful status (but common in cultivation), it shows similarities with Epithelantha micromeris subsp. polycephala and Epithelantha pachyrhiza. Spines are whitish turning to a brownish tinge in adult plant's crown. Roots: Tuberose.
  • Epithelantha micromeris f. elongata (Backeb.) Bravo: It has elongated stems and a thick tap-root. It is intermediate between E. micromeris and E. pachyrhiza. Distribution: Ramos Arispe, Coahuila, Mexico.
  • Epithelantha micromeris subs. greggii (Engelm.) N.P.Taylor: This subspecies has a rough, somewhat bristly appearance with iIndividual stems up to 5 cm or more in diameter,. Spines are chalky white to reddish brown. Distribution: Northern Mexico, especially Saltillo, Coahuila.
  • Epithelantha micromeris subs. greggii f. cristata: crested form.
  • Epithelantha micromeris var. neomexicana n.n.: This is the population found in New Mexico (USA) but this taxon is not easily recognizable from other Epitelantha micromeris (if not the same identical plant)
  • Epithelantha micromeris subs. pachyrhiza (W.T.Marshall) N.P.Taylor: It has tuberousroots and a stem only partly obscured by the white to orange-tan spines; Distribution: Strictly endemic of southeast and northeast of Saltillo.
  • Epithelantha micromeris subs. pachyrhiza f. cristata
  • Epithelantha micromeris subs. polycephala (Backeb.) Glass: Clustering miniature cactus; an old plant may have more than 100 heads, and be 10 cm of diameter. Spines are grey/whitish, pastel or ocre. Distribution: it occurs in a limited area of Coahuila.
  • Epithelantha micromeris var. rufispina (Bravo) Backeb.: Minute globular cactus, becoming somewhat elongated when old. the spines are numerose up to 40 whitish all radials, turning to a grey-reddish or brownish tinge in adult plants crown. The spine base is reddish.
  • Epithelantha micromeris var. texensis n.n.: This is the population found in Texas (USA) but this taxon is not easily recognizable from other Epitelantha micromeris (if not the same identical plant)
  • Epithelantha micromeris var. texensis f. cristata hort.: Crested form.
  • Epithelantha micromeris subs. unguispina (Boed.) N.P.Taylor: It is a little larger than the standard form. Stem globular, up to 6 cm, often clumping over time. It generally has a small projecting black-tipped central spine, 4-5mm long. Origin: Near Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, south into San Luis Potosi.

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