Description: Opuntia paraguayensisSN|33077]]SN|33077]] is a controversial cactus species. The protologue as compared to the use of the name in literature revealed that it has been misapplied to Opuntia elataSN|11631]]SN|30934]] and Opuntia cardiospermaSN|30941]]SN|30941]]. The type specimen of O. paraguayensis was presumably destroyed in Berlin, in 1943. Another specimen under this name in the spirit collection at Berlin-Dahlem, collected by Hassler, is undoubtedly O. ficus-indica. It is designated as the neotype of O. paraguayensis.
Conclusion: Opuntia ficus-indicaSN|30934]]SN|11631]] (L.) Mill., Gard. Dict., ed. 8. 1768 = Opuntia paraguayensisSN|33077]]SN|33077]] K. Schum. in Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 9: 149. 1899. – Holotype: Paraguay: Escobar, Hassler 1150 (B, destroyed). – Neotype (designated here): Paraguay, Hassler(Balc nr. 1408).
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Leuenberger, B. E. “De Herbario Berolinensi Notulae No. 42 - Opuntia paraguayensis (Cactaceae) reassessed” in: Willdenowia 31: 181-187. 2001. <>