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Krainzia guelzowiana (Werderm.) Backeb.
Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 23: 152. 1951

Accepted Scientific Name: Mammillaria guelzowiana Werderm.
Z. Sukkulentenk. iii. 356 (1928) as Mamillaria

Krainzia guelzowiana (Mammillaria guelzowiana) Photo by: Andrea B.
( 7 cm flowers) This is one of the most spectacularly flowered species and some say that this is the most beautiful of all the Mammillarias. It has soft stems obscured by spines, When not in flower, the body is not much different from the familiar Mammillaria bocasana


See all synonyms of Mammillaria guelzowiana
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Mammillaria guelzowiana Werderm.
Z. Sukkulentenk. iii. 356 (1928)
Synonymy: 4 Cultivars (1):

Common Names include:
RUSSIAN (Русский): Маммиллярия Гюльцова
SPANISH (Español): Biznaguita, Biznaguita

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Mammillaria guelzowiana group

24397 colin Colin Bundred
Krainzia guelzowiana (Mammillaria guelzowiana) Photo by: Colin Bundred
20066 julio Julio C. García
Krainzia guelzowiana (Mammillaria guelzowiana) Photo by: Julio C. García

24398 colin Colin Bundred
Krainzia guelzowiana (Mammillaria guelzowiana) Photo by: Colin Bundred
714 andrea Andrea B.
Krainzia guelzowiana (Mammillaria guelzowiana) Photo by: Andrea B.

7800 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Krainzia guelzowiana (Mammillaria guelzowiana) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
17957 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Krainzia guelzowiana (Mammillaria guelzowiana) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

27767 alexander Alexander Arzberger
Krainzia guelzowiana (Mammillaria guelzowiana) Photo by: Alexander Arzberger
712 andrea Andrea B.
Krainzia guelzowiana (Mammillaria guelzowiana) Photo by: Andrea B.

Your Photos

by Valentino Vallicelli
 If grown correctly, it will recompense the grower with generous displays of  amazing flowers.
by Andrea B.

by Julio C. García

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