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Encephalartos sclavoi De Luca, D.W.Stev. & A.Moretti
Delpinoa 29-30: 3 (1987-1988 publ. 1989)

Encephalartos sclavoi Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
Mature and near mature plants at Cycad International.


Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Sclavo's Cycad

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Coning habit at Cycad International, Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
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Female cone and new emergent (Bronze coloured) leaves. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

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Male cones. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
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Male cones at dehishing stage. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

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Green emergent leaves. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
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Encephalartos sclavoi, Bronze emergent leaf form. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

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Encephalartos sclavoi "Blue form" Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
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Mature and near mature plants at Cycad International. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

Your Photos
Potted specimens at Cycad International,  Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia.
by Josef Cycad Perner
Blue form.
by Josef Cycad Perner
Bronze emergent leaves (rare form).
by Josef Cycad Perner

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