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Ophrys x bertoloniiformis subs. explanata (Lojac.) Hennecke & S.Munzinger
Ber. Arbeitskreis. Heimische Orchid 31: 227 (2014 publ. 2015), without full basionym ref.

= Ophrys bertolonii var. explanata Lojac.
Fl. Sicul. (Lojacono) 3: 36 (1908) Lojac.

Accepted Scientific Name: Ophrys х flavicans Vis.
Fl. Dalmat. 1: 178 (1842). Vis.


See all synonyms of Ophrys x flavicans
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Ophrys х flavicans Vis.
Fl. Dalmat. 1: 178 (1842).
Synonymy: 55

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