Delosperma sawdahense Photo by: Giuseppe Distefano
Origin and Habitat: Jabal Sawda, Saudi Arabia (Arabian Peninsula, Asia-Temperate)
Description: Delosperma sawdahenseSN|29756]]SN|29756]] is a free flowering caespitose succulent shrublet that is only an a few cm tall but flowers all summer. The flowers are lovely but it is particularly noticeable for its fat juicy leaves that appear covered with ice crystals. Unlike most species of this genus, it tend to be a rather fast growing groundcover.
Stems: Its branches spread from a central rootstock but are hidden by rosettes of leaves. Base enclosed by hardened old leaves.
Roots: It has woody roots.
Leaves: Subclavate, apex rounded, papillate ( covered by water vesicles) bluish- green.
Blooming Habits: Flowers solitary, daisy-like. Petals fuchsia-colored with a bright white base center. Filamentous staminodes vite, filaments white, anthers bright yellow.
Blooming season: Summer.
Cultivation and Propagation: Delosperma is a genus that require very little maintenance. Delosperma sawdahenseSN|29756]]SN|29756]] seems to do best in rocks crevices, where it has a cool root run. In fact, growing with rocks slows the heating and cooling of the soil and provides sharp drainage and additional water at the same time. However, it is a good container plant too.
Watering: Although they are succulent they need plenty of water. Treating them like other succulents with limited watering will cause their untimely death.
Hardiness: This species can withstand frost (hardiness to -7° C or even less) and can be planted out of doors in northern hemisphere rock-gardens (USDA zone 6 to 8).
Exposure: They seems to enjoy a hot, full sun position in the rockery, where winter snows melt quickly.
Fertilization: Fertilizing this plant really isn't needed as it's already a voracious grower. However, a liquid 10-10-10 diluted to half strength or a cactus fertilizer once a month during spring and summer can benefit the plant.
Repoting: Make sure to repot during its more active period, starting in spring.
Soil: They need well drained soil with less organic material; extra pumice or perlite provides excellent drainage essential to these type of plants.
Pot culture: Plants in pots prefer light afternoon shade in hottest summer days while during the winter they can be watered less often, about every 2-3 weeks. Inside they grow fine on windowsills, and will even bloom, if they get enough direct sunlight.
Propagation: Offsets that form at the base are the easiest way to propagate it, cuttings root readily, but seeds are also an options. Seeds germinate in 7-14 days at 21°C. If they start to rot there is usually part of the plant that can be removed and possibly rooted.