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Haworthia venosa subs. woolleyi (Poelln.) Halda
Acta Mus. Richnov., Sect. Nat. 4(2): 40 (1997).


See all synonyms of Haworthia venosa

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Haworthia venosa group

  • Haworthia tessellata var. inflexa Baker: It has distinct inflexed leaves (curved or bent inwards and downwards towards the axis). Distribution: South Africa.
  • Haworthia venosa (Lamarck) Haw.: has broadly triangular leaves, strongly recurved; upper surface flattish, marked with six pale green anastomosing vertical lines forming a square patterned design and windowed. Distribution: South Africa.
  • Haworthia venosa subs. granulata (Marloth) M.B.Bayer: has leaves 2-3 cm long, lower surface with many green tubercles in transverse rows. Distributon: South Africa.
  • Haworthia venosa var. oertendahlii Hjelmq.
  • Haworthia venosa subs. recurva. (Haw.) M.B.Bayer: Has compact recurved leaves (same as: tessellata?). Distribution South Africa.
  • Haworthia venosa subs. tessellata (Haw.) M.B.Bayer: Leaves marked with six pale green anastomosing vertical lines forming a strong net-like pattern, lower surface with tiny tubercles, margins with white teeth. It is a very variable specie. Distribution: South Africa.
  • Haworthia venosa subs. woolleyi (Poelln.) Halda

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