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Haworthia pallida var. paynei (Poelln.) Poelln.
Cact. J. (Croydon) 6: 19 (1937)

Accepted Scientific Name: Haworthia herbacea var. paynei (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
Haworthia Revisited 87 (1999)


See all synonyms of Haworthia herbacea

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Haworthia herbacea group

  • Haworthia herbacea (Mill.) Stearn: var. herbacea has greenish-yellow reticulate leaves with translucent areas, margins and keel with firm spines. Distribution: Western Cape (Worcester-Robertson Karoo)
  • Haworthia herbacea var. flaccida M.B.Bayer: has smaller delicate rosettes. Distribution: Western Cape (Worcester-Robertson Karoo)
  • Haworthia herbacea var. lupula M.B.Bayer: has broader and shorter leaves, that are less rough-textured and finely flecked. Flowers pink. Distribution: Western Cape (Worcester-Robertson Karoo)
  • Haworthia herbacea var. paynei (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer: has smaller rosettes. Flowers pink above and white below. Distribution: Western Cape (Worcester-Robertson Karoo)
  • Haworthia papillosa Haw.: has raised pearly dots about 2 mm in diameter randomly speckled on both sides of the leaves. Distribution: Without locality, cultivated plants.

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