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Accepted Scientific Name: Adenium obesum Roem. & Schult.
Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis [Roemer & Schultes] 4: 411. 1819
See all synonyms of Adenium obesum
Accepted name in llifle Database:Adenium obesum Roem. & Schult.
Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis [Roemer & Schultes] 4: 411. 1819
Synonymy: 19
- Adenium obesum Roem. & Schult.
- Cameraria obesa Spreng.
- Nerium obesum Forssk.
- Pachypodium obesum A.DC.
- Adenium arabicum Balf.f.
- Adenium arboreum Ehrenb.
- Adenium coetaneum Stapf
- Adenium dhofarense Rzepecky
- Adenium honghel A.DC.
- Adenium honghel Lindl.
- Adenium obesum subs. socotranum (Vierh.) Lavranos
- Adenium socotranum Vierh.
- Adenium obesum subs. socotranum f. cristata hort.
- Adenium obesum subs. somalense (Balf.f.) G.D.Rowley
- Adenium somalense Balf.f.
- Adenium somalense var. caudatipetalum Chiov.
- Adenium somalense var. crispum Chiov.
- Adenium tricholepis Chiov.
Adenium obesum f. albiflorum Lodé
Fichier Encycl. Cact. Autres Succ. Ser. 15: no. 1394 (1995), without latin descr. or type;.
Synonymy: 2
- Adenium obesum f. albiflorum Lodé
- Adenium speciosum Fenzl
Adenium obesum subs. boehmianum (Schinz) G.D.Rowley
Repert. Pl. Succ. (I.O.S.)
Synonymy: 2
- Adenium obesum subs. boehmianum (Schinz) G.D.Rowley
- Adenium boehmianum Schinz
Adenium obesum hybrid hort.
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Adenium obesum subs. oleifolium (Stapf) G.D.Rowley
Repert. Pl. Succ. (I.O.S.) 29: 3 (1978 publ. 1980).
Synonymy: 5
- Adenium obesum subs. oleifolium (Stapf) G.D.Rowley
- Adenium oleifolium Stapf
- Adenium lugardiae N.E.Br.
- Adenium oleifolium var. angustifolium Phillips
- Adenium somalense var. angustifolium (Phil.) G.D.Rowley
Adenium obesum subs. swazicum (Stapf) G.D.Rowley
Repert. Pl. Succ. (I.O.S.)
Synonymy: 3
- Adenium obesum subs. swazicum (Stapf) G.D.Rowley
- Adenium boehmianum var. swazicum (Stapf) G.D.Rowley
- Adenium swazicum Stapf
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