Origin and Habitat: Eastern end of the Baviaanskloof, Cape Province, South Africa.
Habitat and ecology: Huernia longiiSN|21249]]SN|21249]] is known growing at two localities separated by about 3 km. At both the plants were growing wedged among pebbles on small flat areas on the otherwise steep conglomerate slopes (of about 45° inclination)closely intermingled with tufted grasses among shrubs. The vegetation on the slopes themselves consisted mainly of succulents (Euphorbia polygonaSN|21536]]SN|21536]], Aloe, Haworthia and various Crassulas) with occasional larger non-succulent bushes.
See all synonyms of Huernia longii
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Huernia longii group
- Huernia longii Pillans: (subsp. longii) Inner-corona lobes, ribbon-like, thin, tips swollen, diverging or meeting each other. Distribution: Eastern end of the Baviaanskloof, Cape Province, South Africa.
Huernia longii subs. echidnopsoides (L.C.Leach) Bruyns: Inner-corona lobes erect, ribbon-like, thick, tips swollen, meeting each other. Distribution: Uitenhage district, Cape Province, South Africa.
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) P.V. Bruyns “A new combination Huernia longii subsp. echidnopsoides” Bradleya: yearbook of the British Cactus and Succulent Society, volume 2, 1984
2) COWLING, R. M. (1982). “Patterns of plant endemism in the south-eastern Cape.” The Naturalist 27: 17-20.
3) GIBBS RUSSEL, G. E. & ROBINSON. E. R. (1981). “Phytogeography and speciation in the vegetation of the eastern Cape”. Bothalia 13: 467-472.
4) LEACH, L C. (1968). “Two new Stapeliads from the Cape Province”. J. S. Afr. Bot. 34: 135-142.
5) LEACH, L C. (1976). “A Preliminary Review of the prominently papillose Huemia species (Asclepiadaceae)”. J. S. Afr. Bot. 42: 439-487.
6) LEACH, L C. (1978). “Excelsa Taxonomic Series” No. 1. Salisbury, Zimbabwe.
7) PILLANS, N. S. (1939). “Huernia longii Pillans” in Plantae Novae Africanae. J. S. Afr. Bot. 5: 65-66.
8) WHITE, A. & SLOANE, B. L. (1937). “The Stapelieae” 3: 957-958. Pasadena, California.
9) Focke Albers, Ulrich Mev “Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Asclepiadaceae” Springer Science & Business Media, 06 December 2012
10) Doreen Court “Succulent Flora of Southern Africa” CRC Press, 01 June 2000
11) Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton “Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names” Springer Science & Business Media, 29 June 2013