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Duvalia reclinata (Masson) Haw.
Syn. Pl. Succ. 44 1812

Accepted Scientific Name: Duvalia caespitosa (Masson) Haw.
Syn. Pl. Succ. 45 1812

Duvalia reclinata Photo by: Giuseppe Distefano


See all synonyms of Duvalia caespitosa

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Carrion Plant, Starfish Flower
AFRIKAANS (Afrikaans): Hotnotstoonjies

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Duvalia caespitosa group

  • Duvalia caespitosa (Masson) Haw.: has purple-brown star shaped flowers with five fleshy, narrow 'petals'. It is extremely variable and forms a complex. Distribution: Northern, Western and Eastern Cape(summer rainfall areas).
  • Duvalia caespitosa var. compacta (Haw.) Meve: has smaller stems and flowers. Distribution: Northern Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape: Namaqualand, Great Karoo.
  • Duvalia caespitosa subs. pubescens (N.E.Br.) Bruyns: has pubescent corolla surface. Distribution: Southern Namibia, RSA(Northern Cape. Western Cape)north of the Olifants (winter rainfall areas).
  • Duvalia caespitosa subs. vestita (Meve) Bruyns
  • Duvalia reclinata (Masson) Haw.: not readily distinguishable from the type, if not for the geographical provenance. Distribution: Cape Province, Central regions and in the coast region near Ladismith.

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