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Adromischus marianae (Marloth) A.Berger
Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2 [Engler & Prantl] xviii a. 416 (1930)

Adromischus marianae Photo by: Julio C. García


See all synonyms of Adromischus marianae
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Adromischus marianae (Marloth) A.Berger
Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2 [Engler & Prantl] xviii a. 416 (1930)
Synonymy: 2 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Adromischus marianae var. hallii (Hutchison) Toelken
Bothalia 12 (3): 391 (1978)
Synonymy: 4 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Adromischus marianae var. immaculatus Uitewaal
Synonymy: 9 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Adromischus marianae var. kubusensis (Uitewaal) Toelken
Bothalia 12 (3): 391 (1978)
Synonymy: 5 Cultivars (1):

Common Names include:
CHINESE (中文): 玛丽安水泡

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Adromischus marianae group

  • Adromischus geyeri Hutchison: has terete, chalky, mottled reddish-brown, grey-green leaves with a rounded tip. The horny margin is often not visible at the tip. Distribution: South Namibia. Diamond Area No.1.
  • Adromischus marianae (Marloth) A.Berger: (var. marianiae) has grey to reddish darker markings along the leaves. It has the longest margin along the top edge of each leaf of any other variety. Distribution: Cederberg around Clanwilliam.
  • Adromischus marianae f. alveolatus (Hutchison) Pilbeam: similar to f. herrei but with leaves which are shorter less acute, generally more robust, and with a very rough surface. Distribution: north of Concordia.
  • Adromischus marianae var. antidorcatum (Poelln.) Pilbeam: has a a rough leaf surface similar to A. marianiae "immaculatus". Includes forms with short leaves. it is very variable. Distribution: Namaqualand, West. & South Bushmanland.
  • Adromischus marianiae var. hallii, Lorelei, NamibiaAdromischus marianae var. hallii (Hutchison) Toelken: has the broadest, thickest leaves within the A. marianiae complex. Leaves are chalky, grey-green but red spotted forms have been found. Distribution: South Namibia, North & West Bushmanland.
  • Adromischus herreiAdromischus marianae f. herrei (W.F.Barker) Pilbeam: has the roughest leaves and can resemble dried raisins! It is a small plant, characterised by petiolate leaves, thin stems and thin inflorescences. Distribution: Namaqualand coastal mountains.
  • Adromischus marianae var. immaculatus Uitewaal: has cylindrical leaves, but with great variation in marking and texture. It usually has slighly rough leaves. Distribution: South Namaqualand, Knersvlakte.
  • Adromischus marianae var. kubusensis (Uitewaal) Toelken: Very variable in leaf shape: the plain, grey-green leaves vary from long-cylindrical to short-fat. Distribution: Richtersveld mountains.
  • Adromischus marianae cv. Little Spheroid: has superb and very peculiar round leaves. Distribution: Namaqualand, Northern Cape, South Africa.

18794 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Adromischus marianae Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
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