Origin and Habitat: South-west Madagascar, Mangoky river valley
Habitat and ecology: Euphorbia mangokyensisSN|31007]]SN|31007]] is found on gneiss and cipolin limestone in xerophytic bush.
Description: Euphorbia mangokyensisSN|31006]]SN|31007]] is a spiny succulent shrub similar to both Euphorbia rossiiSN|27226]]SN|27226]] and Euphorbia brachyphyllaSN|31007]]SN|31006]], but smaller with subterranean, napiform tap root and apparently deciduous.
Leaves: Ovate, 1.5-2 cm long, 1 cm wide, margins undulate, pubescent, petiolate.
Stipular spines: Basally flattened, accompanied by prickles.
Inflorescences: Capitate dichasia with several cyathia.
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1)Werner Rauh, Herman Schwartz “Succulent and xerophytic plants of Madagascar”, Volume 2 Strawberry Press, 1998