Accepted Scientific Name: Euphorbia bongolavensis Rauh
Kakteen Sukk. 44: 70 1993.

Euphorbia bongolavensis f. variegata Photo by: © Plantemania
Origin and Habitat: Cultivated form. The natural Euphorbia bongolavensisSN|33397]]SN|33397]] is known from only from the Bongolava area (south-east of Port-Bergé (Boriziny) in North-western Madagascar.
See all synonyms of Euphorbia bongolavensis
Description: The typical Euphorbia bongolavensisSN|33397]]SN|33397]] is a semi-succulent shrublet up to 1 metres tall that has uniquely coloured leaves with bases of red and the rest of the lancelote shaped leaves a green to bluish green (depending on how much sun or shade).
Variegated form: Variegated E. bongolavensis are cultivated for their beautiful leaves that have sectors, patches or stripes with two colours, creamy-yellow and bright bluish-green and sometimes the plant will return to the green form. The extent and nature of the variegation can vary from leaf to leaf.
For more details see: Euphorbia bongolavensisSN|33397]]SN|33397]]
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Euphorbia bongolavensis group
Euphorbia bongolavensis Rauh: has upright branchless stem and a much-branched, umbrella-like crown. The main stem stops elongating by the formation of brachyblasts. Distribution: Bongolava area. N-W Madagascar.
Euphorbia bongolavensis f. variegata hort.: variegated form with beautiful leaves that have sectors, patches or stripes with two colours, creamy-yellow and bright bluish-green.
Euphorbia bongolavensis f. variegata Photo by: © Plantemania
Euphorbia bongolavensis f. variegata Photo by: © PlantemaniaCultivation and Propagation: Euphorbia bongolavensisSN|33397]]SN|33397]] seem to be a sub-xeric and grows quite well in partial shade. It loves more humid in soil mix than another xeric succulent euphorbia.
propagation: The easier method to propagate is by cutting that can also be rooted in water.