Origin and Habitat: China
See all synonyms of Petrocosmea cryptica
Accepted name in llifle Database:Petrocosmea cryptica J.M.H.ShawPlantsman n.s., 10(3): 178 (177-179; figs.). 2011 [Sep 2011]
Description: Petrocosmea crypticaSN|33613]]SN|33612]] is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Gesneriaceae, the African violet family. It is remarkable for its neat, tightly imbricate, tile-like rosette structure of 3 cm ovate leaves, eventually producing offsets. The leaf surfaces have hairs arising from pustulate bases. This plants is wrongly labelled Petrocosmea rosettifoliaSN|33612]]SN|33613]] or Petrocosmea G25KC00. The epithet cryptica refers to the identity of this species being hidden during the 10 or more years it has been in cultivation.
Leaves: Numerous (up to 160) borne on petioles to 3 cm long. Blade 25–40 mm long, 13–17 mm wide, elliptic, cuneate at base, apex acute, margin weakly thoothed towards apex. Upper surface sparsely covered by 3 mm long hairs arising from pustulate bases, midrib and veins visible as yellow green stripes, raised on lower surface. Leaf underside densely pubescent with 1.5 mm long hairs.
Inflorescences: One flowered (rarely few flowered). Peduncle 5–7 cm, finely pubescent, with linear bracts, 3–4 mm long. Pedicels 16–28 mm long, finely pubescent.
Flowers: Calyx segments 5, equal, lobes 30 mm long, 8 mm wide, inner surface glabrous
finely pubescent in the exterior. Corolla white with yellow in throat, tube to 3 mm long, upper lip 4.5–5mm long, gently indented to weakly 2-lobed, lower lip to 9 mm, 3-lobed, lobes rounded, 1.5–2 mm long. Filaments 3.5–4 mm long, curved, C-shaped, puberulent towards middle. Anthers 2, ovoid white. Pistil 8–8.5 mm long. Ovary c. 2.5mm long, densely covered
with long silvery hairs. Stigma club-shaped.
Blooming season: Flowering from autumn to winter, flowering can continue in to spring after a cold winter.
Similar species: Petrocosmea crypticaSN|33613]]SN|33612]] is similat to Petrocosmea rosettifoliaSN|33612]]SN|33613]], but the latter has broadly ovate or broadly elliptic leaves, and filaments glabrous, only 1 mm long (3-4 mm long in P. cryptica).
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Petrocosmea cryptica group
- Petrocosmea cryptica J.M.H.Shaw: has neat, tightly imbricate, rosette of 3 cm ovate, plain green, leaves. The leaf surfaces have stiff hairs arising from pustulate bases. Distribution. China.
Petrocosmea cryptica cv. Whirlpool J.M.H.Shaw: The cultivar ‘Whirlpool’ is a clone derived from the type collection (G25KC00) and has beautiful yellow veins.
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Julian Shaw “A new species of Petrocosmea: Julian Shaw discovers that a gesneriad that has been in cultivation under the wrong name for more than 10 years is a new species” The Plantsman September 2011 pp 177-179. https://www.rhs.org.uk/about-the-rhs/publications/magazines/the-plantsman/2011-issues/september/Petrocosmea
2) Drew, R (2002) “Sussex Show, October 6th. The Alpine Gardener” 70(1): 82–85
3) Drew, R (2003) “Developing a collection of subalpine gesneriads”. The Alpine Gardener 71(3): 297–307
4) Li, Z-Y & Wang, Y-Z (2005) “Plants of Gesneriaceae in China”. Henan Science and Technology Publishing House, China
5) Middleton, DJ & Triboun, P (2010) “Two new species of Petrocosmea”. Thai Forest Bull., Bot. 38: 42–47
6) Wang, W (1985) “The second revision of Petrocosmea”. Acta Bot.Yunnan. 7(1): 49–68
7) Wang, W, Pan, K-Y, Li, Z-Y, Weitzman, AL & Skog, LE (1998) Petrocosmea. In: Flora of China Editorial Committee (eds) “Flora of China” Vol. 18. Science Press, Beijing, & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St Louis
8) Tim Tuttle “Culture of Petrocosmea: My Way” “As distributed to the National Capital Area Chapter of The Gesneriad Society in April 2009
Cultivation and Propagation: Petrocosmea offsets free. Once removed offsets are treated just like cutting until they form roots.
Theys may never need large pots.