Accepted Scientific Name: Plectranthus glabratus (Benth.) Alston
Handb. Fl. Ceylon 6(Suppl.): 236 1931 Trimen & Alston
Origin and Habitat: India
See all synonyms of Plectranthus glabratus
Accepted name in llifle Database:Plectranthus glabratus (Benth.) AlstonHandb. Fl. Ceylon 6(Suppl.): 236 1931Synonymy: 8
Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Coleus-flowered Plectranthus, Coleus-flowered Plectranthus
Description: Plectranthus coleoidesSN|29700]]SN|29692]] is an herbaceous subshrub up to 2 m tall which is synonym of Plectranthus glabratusSN|29692]]SN|29690]] and is not generally cultivated.
Remarks: Beware that the common variegate plant found in cultivation as Plectranthus coleoidesSN|29690]]SN|29692]] 'Marginatus' is indeed a completely different species: Plectranthus forsteriSN|29692]]SN|29700]] that should not be confused with it.
Stem: 30-60 cm tall erect obscurely 4 angled green spotted with purple pubescent above, as are the petioles, leaves beneath and inflorescence.
Leaves: Orbicular, ovate to cordiform, obtuse, doubly crenate, rugose above, 4-12 cm long, 3-14 cm wide, lurid green.
Inflorescences (cymes): Decussate, 3-9 flowered, erect subcylindric, peduncle 7-30 cm long. Peduncles and pedicels purplish. Flowering calyx small pubescent, lobes 1 + 4, very unequal, upper broadest and curved, the rest triangular subulate. Corolla 8 mm in diameter, violet. Tube much compressed, suddenly bent down. Upper lip short, broad, reflexed, 4 lobed, ciliate. Lower lip pendulous, boat shaped, bearded within. Stamens free, included in the lower lip.
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Sir William Jackson Hooker, David Prain, Otto Stapf “Curtis's Botanical Magazine” Volume 96 Academic Press, 1870
2) K. M. Matthew “An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India” CRC Press, 01/Jun/1995
3) James Cullen, Sabina G. Knees, H. Suzanne Cubey “The European Garden Flora Flowering Plants: A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and Under Glass” Cambridge University Press, 11/Aug/2011
Cultivation and Propagation: Plectranthus coleoidesSN|29692]]SN|29692]] Bentham is not generally cultivated.