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Rhipidodendrum dichotomum Willd.
Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 5: 166. 1811

Accepted Scientific Name: Aloe dichotoma Masson
Philos. Trans. 66: 310, 1776 et

Rhipidodendrum dichotomum (Aloe dichotoma) Photo by: © Plantemania
Growing habit in the Richterweld, north-western South Africa.


See all synonyms of Aloe dichotoma
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Aloe dichotoma Masson
Philos. Trans. 66: 310, 1776 et
Synonymy: 6 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Aloe dichotoma subs. ramosissima (Pillans) Zonn.
Bradleya ( Pillans ) Zonn.
Synonymy: 4

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Quiver tree
AFRIKAANS (Afrikaans): Kokerboom
CHINESE (中文): 二歧蘆薈
DUTCH (Nederlands): Kokerboom
ESPERANT (Esperanto): Saguja arbo
GERMAN (Deutsch): Köcherbaum
ITALIAN (Italiano): Albero faretra
POLISH ( Polski): Drzewo kołczanowe, Kokerboom
RUSSIAN (Русский): Колча́нное де́рево, Ало́э диxотоми́ческое
UKRAINIAN (Українська): Сагайдачне дерево, кокербом
UPPER SORBIAN (Hornjoserbsce): Płonowy alowej

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Aloe dichotoma group/complex

  • Aloe dichotoma Masson: is a tree with rounded crown and may reach a height of 7 metres with up to 1 m of diameter at ground level. Distribution: South Africa (northern Cape) and Namibia.
  • Aloe dichotoma subs. ramosissima (Pillans) Zonn.: is a slow growing small tree or shrub type aloe known for its many branches and smooth, white stems. Distribution: Southern Africa (Richtersveld), southern Namibia.

28799 plantemania © Plantemania
Rhipidodendrum dichotomum (Aloe dichotoma) Photo by: © Plantemania
29178 guillermo Guillermo Rivera
Aloe dichotoma forest. Namibia 2017. (Aloe dichotoma) Photo by: Guillermo Rivera

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Rhipidodendrum dichotomum (Aloe dichotoma) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
17492 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Rhipidodendrum dichotomum (Aloe dichotoma) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

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Rhipidodendrum dichotomum (Aloe dichotoma) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
29025 plantemania © Plantemania
Aloe dichotoma in habitat. (Aloe dichotoma) Photo by: © Plantemania

29177 guillermo Guillermo Rivera
An old specimen hosting a big social weaver nest. Namibia 2017. (Aloe dichotoma) Photo by: Guillermo Rivera
18955 giuseppe Giuseppe Monaco
A 3 metres tall plant (Viagrande, Catania, Sicily, Italy on the foothills of Etna Volcano (Aloe dichotoma) Photo by: Giuseppe Monaco

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