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Eulychnia eburnea Phil. ex K.Schum.
Gesamtbeschr. Kakt. 59 (1897), in obs.

= Echinopsis chiloensis var. eburnea (Phil. ex K.Schum.) H.Friedrich & G.D.Rowley
I.O.S. Bull. 3(3): 94. 1974

Accepted Scientific Name: Echinopsis chiloensis (Colla) H.Friedrich & G.D.Rowley
I.O.S. Bull. 3(3): 94 (1974)

Eulychnia eburnea (Echinopsis chiloensis var. eburnea) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
It is a fiercely spiny cactus with impressive and showy ivory spines.


See all synonyms of Echinopsis chiloensis

Common Names include:
SPANISH (Español): Cacto, Quisco

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echinopsis chiloensis group

  • Echinopsis chiloensis (Colla) H.Friedrich & G.D.Rowley: It is a fiercely spiny cactus. Like it's relatives, this species is a quick grower and is reported to grow into a shrub or small tree up to 8 m in height. Distribution: coastal cordillera of Chile (North-Central Valley of Chile)
  • Echinopsis chiloensis var. borealis (F.Ritter): can produce very long spines, up to 25 cm long. Distribution: Elqui valley, Huanta, Coquimbo, Chile
  • Echinopsis chiloensis var. eburnea (Phil. ex K.Schum.) H.Friedrich & G.D.Rowley: This is the stouter spined form with impressive and showy ivory spines and all spines long; flowers pinkish. Distribution: East of Los Patos, bottom of valley, Coquimbo, Chile.
  • Echinopsis chiloensis subs. litoralis (Johow) M.Lowry: is shrubby with arching or erect cylindrical branches less than 2 m tall. Its has much shorter, thinner and flexible spines. Distribution: coast north of Valparaiso (Atacama, Coquimbo).
  • Echinopsis chiloensis var. panhoplites (K.Schum.): Young spines almost black, central spine very long. Distibution: Ovalle, Coquimbo, Chile.
  • Echinopsis chiloensis var. pycnacantha (Salm-Dyck): spines very short and thick.
  • Echinopsis chiloensis subs. skottsbergii (Backeb. ex Skottsb.) G.J.Charles

9825 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Eulychnia eburnea (Echinopsis chiloensis var. eburnea) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
9826 cactus-art Cactus Art
Eulychnia eburnea (Echinopsis chiloensis var. eburnea) Photo by: Cactus Art

9827 cactus-art Cactus Art
Eulychnia eburnea (Echinopsis chiloensis var. eburnea) Photo by: Cactus Art
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